3 Priorities in the Pandemic – Health, Wellness & Safe Home
The COVID-19 pandemic has let loose devastation that no one even expected a year back. Apart from loss of lives, the pandemic resulted in loss of jobs, worsened the economic condition of millions and tragically caused starvation for millions. The economically disadvantaged lost their source of income, became homeless, and many of them were even forced to migrate to their hometowns.
Practically every part of the world, including Pune city, felt the impact of the virus. Countrywide lockdown was announced by the government to control the spread of the virus. Suddenly, out of nowhere, most people found a lot of time on their hands. They utilised it for relaxation, learning new skills online and very importantly, to ponder over things deeply.
Punekars from all walks of life have also made the most of the free time that the lockdown brought their way. Irrespective of which field they’re engaged in or where they live- whether in independent homes or flats in Pune, in suburbs or in the heart of the city, they’ve shown remarkable thoughtfulness in tackling the spread of the virus.
Nevertheless, all of us have learnt that it’s never too early to cherish three things in life, viz.:
- Health
- Wellness
- Safe home sweet home.
They’re most precious, more than the riches, assets and prestige that we’ve prioritised. Being at home and focusing on the health and wellness of our loved ones and our own is all the more important now, as we start stepping out now. Wearing masks, practising physical distancing and maintaining proper hygiene have to be followed at all costs, besides being focused on the three priorities discussed above.
The Key to Safety and Positivity during the Pandemic
We are currently going through a time where being safe takes precedence over so much we previously clung to. Career, success, fame and other materialistic pursuits were prioritised in the pre-COVID era. However, the coronavirus has changed our outlook and priorities like nothing else ever could in a short period. Having good health and being safe from the virus are now more important than other things.
A myriad tips and solutions to beat the virus are being shared by experts. They unanimously emphasise on the importance of prioritising health, wellness and a safe home.
Health: The definition of good health has undergone a drastic change in the current pandemic time. Being healthy is more than being fit and strong now. It’s more about having a strong immunity, which shields us from the virus. A host of remedies, medication and very importantly, precautions are prescribed by experts to avoid viral infection.
Wellness is a comprehensive term, which includes physical fitness along with emotional and mental strength. The concept of wellness has also gained importance in recent times. Being fit and mentally strong is a weapon we can wield to fight tough times, uncertainties and tediousness unleashed by the pandemic due to restrictions. Online sessions on Yoga, meditation and relaxation are being offered by experts. They are instrumental in fighting intangible adversities like the pandemic and are a step towards wellness.
The third priority is your very own home sweet home. Your home is where you find solace, comfort and protection against all harms. People may dwell in any type of housing such as gated communities like flats in Pune. Home is where one is safe from all harms, including the pandemic. Spending quality time at home and prioritising it over other things is sure to benefit you while keeping you safe inside.
Most houses, including flats in Pune, have adequate safety features and precautions that keep residents safe. All we have to do is appreciate them and stay safe, for our loved ones and for us.